Sunday, March 7, 2010

Day 46: My Goodness!

Between you and me, a few pints of Guinness and I can go even faster, you know.
-Michael Flatley

So yesterday Abby and I ventured West to the mythical Guinness Storehouse. Even though it's the number one tourist attraction in Dublin, it was at the bottom of my list because I personally can't stand drinking it. However, Abby got free tickets from work so we decided to see what all the fuss was about.

Negative right from the start.

Basically this is beer Disneyland. The whole thing is all flashy lights and effects. I guess it's necessary since the actual explanation of the manufacturing process is rather dull. It was super crowded so we didn't stop and take in every single sign, exhibit, etc.

Abby looks thrilled. Here we are at the Gravity Bar, the top of the Guinness factory where you get a complimentary pint and a 360 degree view of the city. The view was definitely cool and we thankfully had a nice day.

Not so bad...right?
It's not that I don't want to like it guys, maybe it's the Greek in me resisting.

The windows of the bar were covered in quotes from James Joyce's bibliography. The quotes matched up to the area of Dublin that the window faced, pretty cool.

Tiny bit o' sun.

And, on a completely unrelated note I present to you Jedward! Twin brothers John and Edward from Dublin are basically the substitute Jonas Brothers over here. I found out about them a few days ago when they were making an appearance at a record store by my apartment and 12 year old girls were flooding the street. The most hilarious part? Their first single was Ice Ice Baby, Vanilla Ice even collaborated with them. God help us.

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