Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day 34: Dublin let's not play the lazy game

I'm working like so hard, all the balls are getting thrown to me, I'm trying to catch like everyone. All of the people in the out field are all looking around, and, c'mon, lets play some baseball, ok? not the lazy game...
-Goob from Meet the Robinsons

So the last few days have been a recovery from Norah and I's Amsterdam/Brussels adventure! I've actually been doing something that's not really popular in Ireland, homework! It's hard to gauge the classes, not sure of the teacher's expectations over here. I definitely don't want to spend tons of time studying, but I would be pretty embarrassed to not get through a pass fail course on Irish Culture. I'll have to schedule some few and far-between work days.

I've been feeling a bit lazy after all that travel, and this blog post is helping me fake productivity. So, here are two irrelevant pictures.

Norah, Sarah and I attempted to feed the ducks in St. Stephen's Green. Definitely not my idea, I hate when birds swarm around me. I also don't like swans. Actually, I'm terrified of swans and I'm using hate to cover up my fear. So, I tried to play ring toss with bagels and the swans. Surprisingly, they were cool with it and stayed a safe distance.

I went to Lidl yesterday and got some mad cheap food! It's just the ugly cousin of Aldi's. Actually, both stores are equally ugly and equally cheap. This is a pita sandwich which chicken breast, sauteed mushrooms and red peppers, goat cheese and Dijon mustard. The salad has fresh pepper and tomato garlic dressing! Good dinners also make me feel productive!

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