Sunday, March 28, 2010

Day 67: Ol' Canal

I met my love by the gas works wall
Dreamed a dream by the old canal...
-"Dirty Old Town"

I may have used that quote already, but its my new favorite pub song and very applicable. The old canal isn't that dirty, there was actually a big initiative a couple years ago to clean it up and its pretty clean for being in the middle of a big city!

The canal is one of my favorite things about Georgian Dublin, I can literally walk outside of our apartment building and the canal is a few steps away. Before I was all sick and leper-like I would "run" along the canal to the West and back, steering clear of the terrifying swans along the way. Once I'm done with my drugs and its warm, those swans better watch out.

Also, here's a picture of some flowers my new roommate Joanne picked up at the grocery store, flowers are really springing up around here. Next to them is the palms they hand out at mass, not like they grow them (import them) in America! Next to it is a pamphlet for Dorian Gray month in the Dublin! More details (and pics) about that soon!

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